Email - Fast & Secure Mail: Download & Review

Email - Fast & Secure Mail App & Review





Edison Software

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Android & iOS


Aug 14, 2023

Email - Fast & Secure Mail app review

Looking for a reliable and efficient email app? Look no further than Email - Fast & Secure Mail App. In this review, we will explore the features of this app, how to use it effectively, and what sets it apart from other email apps.

From its top-notch security and privacy features to its user-friendly interface and compatibility with other devices, Email - Fast & Secure Mail App has a lot to offer. Stay tuned to learn about its pros and cons, and whether it is worth your while.

Key Takeaways:

  • Email - Fast & Secure Mail App offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy to send, receive, and organize emails.
  • The app stands out for its strong security and privacy features, ensuring the safety of your sensitive information.
  • While there are alternatives available, such as Gmail and Outlook, Email - Fast & Secure Mail App is a reliable option for those looking for a fast and secure email experience.

What is Email - Fast & Secure Mail App?

Email - Fast & Secure Mail App, developed by Edison Software Inc., is a cutting-edge application designed to provide users with a secure and efficient email management experience. This innovative app allows users to manage multiple email accounts seamlessly and offers a wide array of features for enhanced productivity and privacy.

The developers at Edison Software Inc. have incorporated robust security measures into the Email app to ensure that user data remains safe and protected. This versatile application is compatible with a range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, making it convenient for users to access their emails anytime, anywhere. With intuitive features like customizable swipe gestures, smart folders, and quick search options, Email streamlines the email management process and enhances the overall user experience.

Features of Email - Fast & Secure Mail App

The Email - Fast & Secure Mail App boasts a plethora of features that set it apart from traditional email clients. From its intelligent assistant that enhances productivity to its robust virus scanning capabilities and seamless provider integration, this app provides users with a comprehensive email management solution.

Its notifications system ensures that users stay informed and never miss important emails, while its compatibility across various platforms allows for seamless integration into different devices.

Users can easily download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store, giving them quick access to its array of features. The app's advanced search functionality enables users to efficiently locate specific emails or attachments within seconds.

The undo send feature adds an extra layer of convenience by allowing users to retract an email within a short time window after sending it.

How to Use Email - Fast & Secure Mail App?

Utilizing the Email - Fast & Secure Mail App for managing your email accounts is a seamless process that begins with setting up your accounts, configuring the app settings according to your preferences, and exploring the innovative functionalities provided by the developers.

  1. Once you have set up your accounts, you can easily customize the app by changing themes, adjusting notification preferences, and organizing your inbox for optimal productivity.
  2. The user-friendly interface ensures a smooth navigation experience, allowing you to effortlessly switch between folders, compose new emails, and manage contacts.

The Email - Fast & Secure Mail App offers robust security features to keep your data safe, including encryption protocols and advanced authentication methods. Regular updates by the development team are focused on enhancing user experience and addressing any reported issues.

Setting up an Account

Setting up an account on the Email - Fast & Secure Mail App involves navigating to the settings section, selecting the 'Add Account' option, and following the on-screen instructions to integrate your email accounts seamlessly into the application.

  1. Once you have selected the 'Add Account' option, you will be prompted to enter your email address and password.
  2. The next step involves choosing the type of email account you are setting up, whether it's Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, or any other provider. The application will then automatically configure the settings for your chosen email service.

One of the key features of the Email - Fast & Secure Mail App is its compatibility across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, ensuring that you can access your emails from anywhere. The intuitive design elements of the app make it user-friendly, with a clean interface that organizes your inbox efficiently.

  • The app offers developer assistance options, allowing users to troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the setup process or while using the application.
  • In terms of functionality, the Email - Fast & Secure Mail App provides a seamless experience for managing multiple email accounts, offering features such as push notifications, email organization tools, and the option to customize settings according to your preferences.

Sending and Receiving Emails

Sending and receiving emails through the Email - Fast & Secure Mail App is a seamless experience that prioritizes user privacy and security. The intuitive interface ensures efficient email management, while the intelligent assistant streamlines the email handling process.

Notifications from the Email - Fast & Secure Mail App provide real-time updates on incoming emails, ensuring users stay on top of their communication.

The inbox organization feature allows users to categorize emails into folders, making it easier to access specific messages.

In terms of security measures, the app employs end-to-end encryption to safeguard sensitive information. Privacy features include customizable settings for data protection, giving users control over their personal information.

The intelligent assistant assists users in composing emails, scheduling messages, and managing contacts efficiently.

Organizing Emails

Efficiently organizing emails within the Email - Fast & Secure Mail App is facilitated through a user-friendly interface that supports Gmail integration, customizable settings, and secure local storage options to ensure that your inbox remains clutter-free and easily accessible.

The interface design of the Email - Fast & Secure Mail App plays a crucial role in enhancing user experience by offering intuitive navigation and clear organization of emails. With seamless Gmail support, users can effortlessly manage their Gmail accounts within the app, streamlining their email management process. The app's functional settings allow users to customize their email layout, notifications, and synchronization preferences, catering to individual needs and preferences. The review options within the app enable users to quickly scan, prioritize, and respond to important emails, improving overall productivity and efficiency.

What Makes Email - Fast & Secure Mail App Stand Out?

Email - Fast & Secure Mail App distinguishes itself in the competitive email management landscape through its unwavering commitment to user security, robust privacy features, seamless cross-platform compatibility, and continuous innovation in enhancing functionality through regular updates and a user-centric design.

The app's strong focus on security measures ensures that users can have peace of mind knowing that their sensitive information is well-protected. The comprehensive privacy enhancements implemented by Email - Fast & Secure Mail App guarantee that user data remains confidential and secure at all times.

The broad device compatibility of the app allows users to access their emails seamlessly across various devices, whether it's a desktop, smartphone, or tablet, enhancing convenience and productivity. The ongoing support and feature updates provided by the app ensure that users always have access to the latest tools and improvements, while the intuitive design makes navigating the platform a seamless experience.

The intelligent assistant integrated into the app further enhances the user experience by providing personalized assistance and streamlining email management tasks efficiently.

Security and Privacy Features

The Email - Fast & Secure Mail App prioritizes user data security and privacy by incorporating advanced features such as real-time virus scanning, read receipt blocking, encrypted local storage, and artificial intelligence-powered threat detection mechanisms to safeguard users against potential cyber threats.

The real-time virus scanning feature actively monitors incoming emails for any malicious attachments or links that may harm the user's device or compromise sensitive information.

Read receipt blocking functionality ensures that senders cannot track when their emails have been read, adding an extra layer of privacy.

With encrypted local storage, all user data stored within the app is protected from unauthorized access, enhancing confidentiality.

Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in the app's security measures by continuously analyzing patterns and behaviors to detect and prevent potential threats before they can cause harm.

User-Friendly Interface

The Email - Fast & Secure Mail App offers a sleek and intuitive user interface that prioritizes ease of use and customization options. Users can personalize their email management experience through configurable menus, unread mail categorization, and inbox design modifications to suit their preferences.

The app's functional layout ensures that essential features are easily accessible, such as composing new emails, organizing folders, and setting up email filters. With a variety of user support options available, including tutorials and FAQs, users can quickly find assistance if needed. The settings configurations allow users to fine-tune their email preferences, such as notification settings and email signature customization. The app incorporates a review mechanism where users can provide feedback and suggestions, contributing to continuous improvements in the app's usability and performance.

Compatibility with Other Devices

Email - Fast & Secure Mail App ensures seamless compatibility across various devices, including Android smartphones, iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad, by providing regular updates, feature enhancements, and a user-centric design that caters to the diverse needs of modern email users.

The app's dedication to cross-device compatibility is evident in its support for Android and iOS platforms. Whether you're using a Samsung Galaxy phone or an Apple iPhone, Email - Fast & Secure Mail App offers a consistent user experience. Its device-specific functionality optimizes performance on each platform, ensuring smooth operation and efficient utilization of features.

With flexible subscription offerings, users can access premium services tailored to their needs. The app's frequent update cycles exemplify its commitment to staying ahead in the ever-evolving email landscape. Deep customization options in settings allow users to personalize their email experience according to their preferences.

Insights from the developers showcase a proactive approach to addressing user feedback and continuously improving the app's performance.

Pros and Cons of Email - Fast & Secure Mail App

Despite its numerous advantages, Email - Fast & Secure Mail App also presents certain drawbacks, making it essential to consider a balanced perspective when evaluating its suitability for your email management needs.

On the positive side, Email - Fast & Secure Mail App offers a range of subscription benefits including ad-free usage, increased storage capacity, advanced security features, and priority customer support.

While the pricing structure is competitive, some users may find it slightly higher compared to similar email platforms.

Regular updates ensure that the app stays current with the latest technological trends. The user support quality is generally praised for its responsiveness and effectiveness.

Review ratings highlight the app's reliability and ease of use. Customization options allow users to personalize their email experience, and the design aesthetics are clean and user-friendly.

Key features such as inbox organization tools, encryption capabilities, and integration with other productivity apps enhance its functionality. When considering unsubscribing, it is important to review any ongoing commitments and data backup options to avoid potential data loss.


The pros of using Email - Fast & Secure Mail App include its diverse range of features, flexible subscription options, robust user support services, customizable settings, modern design aesthetics, and streamlined functionality that cater to a wide array of user preferences.

From personalized email filtering to integrated calendar management, Email allows users to efficiently organize their communication and schedules. The app's intuitive interface enhances user productivity, while its strong security measures safeguard sensitive data.

Email's seamless integration with various third-party applications further enhances its functional efficiency, providing users with a comprehensive digital workspace. The ability to customize layouts, notification preferences, and themes adds a touch of personalization, making the user experience more engaging and user-friendly.


On the flip side, Email - Fast & Secure Mail App encounters drawbacks such as pricing concerns, irregular update schedules, mixed user reviews, rating fluctuations, limited customization options, design inconsistencies, feature limitations, and occasional user support challenges.

Users have reported that the pricing structure of the application can be steep compared to similar email services, making it less accessible to budget-conscious individuals.

The inconsistent timing of updates often leaves customers unsure about the app's stability and performance.

The varying feedback from users creates uncertainty about the overall quality of service, with some highlighting positive experiences while others express dissatisfaction with the app's functionality.

The fluctuating ratings on app stores add to the ambiguity surrounding Email - Fast & Secure Mail App's reliability.

Customization options are limited, leading to a lack of personalization that some users find restrictive.

The design inconsistencies contribute to a less-than-cohesive user experience, impacting both aesthetics and usability.

Feature limitations have also been a point of contention, as users desire more robust capabilities that align with modern email app standards.

Addressing these challenges could enhance user satisfaction and loyalty, but the current issues persist, contributing to a less than optimal user experience overall.

Is Email - Fast & Secure Mail App Worth It?

Determining whether Email - Fast & Secure Mail App is worth the investment requires a thorough assessment of its pricing structure, functionality offerings, user reviews, ratings, security provisions, customization capabilities, feature richness, settings flexibility, and update frequency to align with your email management requirements.

The pricing model of this application plays a crucial role in its value proposition - is it reasonable for what it offers? The functional components, such as seamless inbox organization and intuitive navigation, are vital factors to consider.

User feedback and ratings provide insights into the actual user experience. The security protocols adopted by the app ensure the confidentiality of your data, emphasizing its importance.

Customization potential and feature set add a layer of personalization and efficiency to your email use. The settings versatility and update consistency impact the overall user experience and relevance of the app in the dynamic email management landscape.

Alternatives to Email - Fast & Secure Mail App

While Email - Fast & Secure Mail App offers a comprehensive email management experience, exploring alternatives like Gmail, Outlook, and ProtonMail can provide users with distinct features, subscription options, user support services, review insights, ratings, and unsubscription flexibility based on individual preferences.

Gmail, known for its intuitive interface and seamless integration with other Google services, offers a mix of free and subscription-based plans to cater to a wide range of users.

Outlook, on the other hand, is praised for its strong security measures and robust productivity tools, which make it a preferred choice for professionals.

ProtonMail, focusing on end-to-end encryption and privacy, appeals to individuals valuing confidentiality.

Understanding user feedback and ratings for each platform can help in making an informed decision about which email service aligns best with your specific needs.


Gmail, a popular email application, offers users a feature-packed experience with diverse subscription offerings, robust user support functionalities, customizable settings, detailed user reviews, comprehensive ratings, modern design elements, extensive feature updates, and a user-centric approach that enhances the overall email management experience.

With various subscription models available, Gmail caters to different user needs, whether personal or professional. The app not only provides quick access to support services but also ensures a secure environment for exchanging messages. The settings configurations allow users to personalize their email management, boosting productivity. User reviews offer valuable insights into the app's performance, while high ratings signify its reliability. Gmail's customizable options and aesthetically pleasing design make it a preferred choice for many. Constant feature enhancements and timely updates ensure that the app stays ahead in meeting user demands.


Outlook, a versatile email platform, offers users subscription plans tailored to their needs, transparent pricing structures, user review options, comprehensive ratings, enhanced security protocols, customization opportunities, feature-rich functionalities, and regular updates to meet evolving email management requirements effectively.

With Outlook's diverse range of subscription options, users can select plans that perfectly align with their usage patterns and preferences. The clear and straightforward pricing approach ensures that customers know exactly what they are paying for, promoting transparency and trust.

By providing users with the ability to leave feedback and rate the platform, Outlook enables a collective voice to shape its ongoing improvements. In addition, the platform's robust security enhancements offer peace of mind to users, ensuring that their data is safeguarded at all times.

The customization features in Outlook allow individuals to tailor their email experience to suit their unique preferences, creating a personalized and efficient workflow. The richness of features within Outlook caters to diverse communication needs, making it a versatile and powerful tool for managing emails efficiently.

The regular updates rolled out by Outlook ensure that users benefit from the latest advancements and improvements in email technology, keeping the platform competitive and up-to-date.


ProtonMail, known for its secure email services, offers users subscription options based on privacy requirements, user review insights, detailed ratings, advanced security features, functional capabilities, modern design aesthetics, innovative features, and robust user support systems to ensure a confidential and efficient email communication experience.

The subscriptions on ProtonMail cater to different needs, providing flexibility for individuals, businesses, and organizations seeking heightened email security. By actively seeking and incorporating feedback from its user community, ProtonMail continually refines its services to meet evolving demands.

The platform's high ratings attest to its dedication to user satisfaction and its commitment to maintaining a safe digital environment. With a strong focus on security enhancements, ProtonMail's encryption protocols and privacy measures offer peace of mind to users, making it a competitive option in the email service market.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Email - Fast & Secure Mail app?

Email - Fast & Secure Mail app is a mobile application that allows users to easily and securely manage their email accounts on the go.

What are the key features of Email - Fast & Secure Mail app?

Some key features of Email - Fast & Secure Mail app include fast and efficient email management, high level of security and privacy, compatibility with multiple email providers, and user-friendly interface.

Is Email - Fast & Secure Mail app free to use?

Yes, the app is free to download and use. However, there may be additional in-app purchases for premium features.

How does Email - Fast & Secure Mail app ensure the security of my emails?

The app uses advanced encryption protocols to protect your emails and personal information. It also has a two-factor authentication option for added security.

Can I access my emails offline with Email - Fast & Secure Mail app?

Yes, the app allows you to access your emails even when you are offline. You can compose, read, and manage your emails without an internet connection.

Is Email - Fast & Secure Mail app available on all devices?

Currently, the app is only available for iOS devices. However, the developers are working on an Android version which will be released soon.